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A GSK employee was recorded engaging in a homophobic rant on a US flight

GlaxoSmithKline says it has parted ways with an employee who was recorded making a lengthy homophobic rant on a US flight before declaring to passengers that he worked for the pharmaceuticals company.

A video posted on the subreddit r/americanairlines by someone who said they were a passenger on a flight from Philadelphia to Dallas shows the man walking up and down an airplane aisle shouting expletives and homophobic slurs while looking for his bag.

The person who posted the video said the man, who was filmed saying he was "a little intoxicated," became agitated when he was asked to leave the plane for acting inappropriately toward a woman in the seat next to him.

He was recorded repeatedly swearing at passengers and then asking a flight attendant whether he was getting kicked off the plane for racism.

"Obviously I'm a white male that picked a black bag because I'm racist," the man said, later adding: "It's a better bag than most of y'all can afford."

The poster also said the passenger directed the N-word at flight attendants before the poster started filming.

American Airlines didn't immediately respond to a request for comment from Insider.

As he approached the front of the plane, apparently to leave, the man faced passengers and said he was a chemical engineer for GlaxoSmithKline and was planning to quit the company soon, referring to it using a homophobic slur.

GSK appeared to confirm the incident on Twitter, though it didn't say directly whether the man quit or was fired.

"On Wednesday, GSK was notified of an incident involving an employee on a flight to Dallas," GSK tweeted. "We immediately conducted an investigation and as of Thursday, he is no longer employed at GSK. The person's behavior was reprehensible and does not reflect our company culture."

A Glaxo representative told TMZ: "At GSK, diversity, equity and inclusion is embraced and celebrated and we are committed in policy, principle and practice to maintaining an environment which prohibits discriminatory behavior and provides equal opportunity for all persons."

This article originally appeared on Business Insider

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