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Delta Most On-Time Airline For June

Data from the Federal Aviation Authority shows Delta Air Lines, Spirit, and United to be amongst the top performing carriers when it comes to on time arrival performance in June.

Table 1: On-Time Arrival Performance: June 2022 – All Values in Percentages

All tables presented excluded factors outside the carrier's control such as: weather delays, National Aviation System Delays, and Security Delays and represent only a subset of airlines reporting to the FAA.

Overall, in June 73.3% of flights were on time. Delta, Spirit and United Airlines outperformed the industry average by 3.8%, 1.99% and 1.7% respectively. Meanwhile American Airlines and Southwest Airlines underperformed the average. Just 64.16% of American Airlines flights were classed as on-time. This pattern broadly reflects trends across the year, with 81.03% of Delta flights on-time in 2022, compared to 73.87% at Southwest and 75.33% at American Airlines.

However, Spirit’s strong June performance appears an outlier considering it carries the worst on-time record of the five across the year. A flight is considered delayed once it is 15 minutes behind schedule.

Table 2: Cause of Delay: June 2022 – All Values in Percentages

When considering the cause of delay, United and Delta airlines came across similarly favourably. Only 7.54% of United Airlines flights were caused by Air Carrier Delays. Air Carrier Delays are those viewed as within the carrier’s control, such as maintenance or crew issues, baggage loading delays, or fuelling problems. Delta marginally outperformed the national average of 9.07%, coming in at 8.71%, whilst American Airlines and Southwest both came in at over 10%.

This was a notably difficult month for air carrier delays, with a 1.09% rise on the average instance in 2022.

There was, however, a correlation between high rates of flight cancellation and strong on-time data in June. American Airlines, for example, performed poorly through on-time metrics but only cancelled 0.38% of scheduled flights, compared to an industry average of 3.1%. By contrast, Delta and United Airlines performed well across the data but cancelled 10 times and 8.7 times more flights than American Airlines.

However, across 2022 Delta and United Airlines have both cancelled fewer flights and been more punctual than their major competitors.

Table 3: On Time Arrival Performance: January to June 2022 – All Values in Percentages

Table 4: Cause of Delay: January – June 2022 – All values in Percentages

Since June 2003, airlines report on the causes of delays and cancellations to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics.

The data presented above excludes security delays - those caused by evacuation of a terminal, re-boarding because of a security breach, inoperative screening equipment and/or queues for screening areas - National Aviation System delays and Extreme Weather and considers a subset of five major carriers who report their data to the FAA.

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